"Everything we do is just a drop in the ocean ... but if we don't do it that drop will be missing forever." ~ Mother Teresa

I have walked with Jesus There

by Maude Evangeline (Darr) Roark 

I have walked with Jesus there
Through the pleasant paths of lifetime
Down the lanes of sorrow, care
In the byways and highways 
I have walked with Jesus there.
We have held such sweet communion 
As we’ve talked of many things;  
We have learned to know each other
 As my soul to Him e’er clings.
I could never walk this pathway Stretched from the cradle to the grave
If I did not feel his presence 
Did not know his power to save.
In the light he sheds before me 
Showing just a step ahead 
I can trust and not be fearful 
For thus far He’s safely led. 
“This is the experience of my life. There is no failing in Jesus”
{This poem was written in a note to her sister Grace.}